Nigerian gay returns to Grindr for the umpteenth time
Not once, and not twice this weekend, have I thought about jumping back on Grindr after not having used the app for about two months. The reason that I decided to walk away from those unproductive chatting grounds in the first place is multiple-fold. Firstly, the pandemic lockdown season kicked in in March 2020 and that meant that if I didn't want to be one of those unfortunate statistics, I needed to keep my dick in my hands: pun intended. My stewpidness actually had a hook-up right after the government announced the lockdown and I spent a few weeks being anxious that I might have contracted the COVID-19 from my casual sex partner. Even though we used a condom, I spend a lot of time kissing his face. What a darling he was that the first thing he opted to do when he got into my apartment was washing his hands. On another note, it started to dawn on me that my primary need for being on Grindr was not being met. I am still fairly new in this country after having only ever lived ...