
Showing posts from June, 2021

My body wants to get me fat or Why I don't exercise regularly

I'm struggling to get started with writing this, really. So, I will not overthink it, no. Done is better than perfect! Now, I will just be lazy and make a list. - - -  If it were not to be for the following two maladies of mine, I would exercise regularly. And I think, regularly enough to actually reach my weight goals without difficult diet rules that I hardly ever respect for more than a few days at a time. Knee Injury First, we have got that pesky knee injury that I sustained while running one fateful night in 2018. It has plagued me ever since and has turned me into a 1.5-legged man. This condition means that I haven't been able to run consistently since that accident. And by God, running was like my best friend for the last few years before I sustained that injury. The loss of my perfect knee is an absence that I still feel, even today. Perhaps, I should have listened to the guy in the Sunscreen Song and taken better care of my knee while I had it. Cholinergic Urticaria So...