My body wants to get me fat or Why I don't exercise regularly

I'm struggling to get started with writing this, really. So, I will not overthink it, no. Done is better than perfect! Now, I will just be lazy and make a list.

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If it were not to be for the following two maladies of mine, I would exercise regularly. And I think, regularly enough to actually reach my weight goals without difficult diet rules that I hardly ever respect for more than a few days at a time.

Knee Injury

First, we have got that pesky knee injury that I sustained while running one fateful night in 2018. It has plagued me ever since and has turned me into a 1.5-legged man. This condition means that I haven't been able to run consistently since that accident. And by God, running was like my best friend for the last few years before I sustained that injury. The loss of my perfect knee is an absence that I still feel, even today. Perhaps, I should have listened to the guy in the Sunscreen Song and taken better care of my knee while I had it.

Cholinergic Urticaria

So, each time I start to exercise, usually 3 to 4 minutes in, when the heart rate is up and the sweat is itching to escape the pores, my skin starts to itch. Terribly! Not in one particular place, but in random stretches, all over my body. Like my face, and my feet, and my back, and my buttocks and my arms. In those moments, I just feel like jumping into a bucket of ice or a bucket of hot water to end the torture. The existence of this condition just makes exercising doubly hard and for absolutely no extra reward :'(


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  1. Hey, I’m sorry. Any change since then?

  2. The knee has not gotten much better but the Cholinergic Urticaria situation has improved significantly. I have much less of an excuse now to avoid exercise.

    1. Okay. I pray your knee gets better. Yes, you don't have much excuse to avoid exercise. Lol

      It's nice to know the situation really improved.


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