A wonderful Saturday

I miss writing. So so much, I must say.

But that up there was placed there, just to let me remember that prior to this, my last article was written in May. I feel so bad. So much life experience has gone to waste in the four months between. Absolutely unforgivable dear.

That's not why I'm writing anyway. Today was really great. Great, because multiple little good things have happened to me within the past twelve hours. I feel really good. In my usual organized manner, I will list them out, one after the other.

Iyfee's wedding

The only high-society wedding I have ever been invited to. Bouncers, IV, gift bag, buffet, state governors and oil and gas business moguls. You just name it and it was there. I am so glad I did not miss this for the hackathon I flaked out of yesterday.

The bride happens to be one of the few persons I happened to really connect to at my last place of work. She was also looking super beautiful beside her good looking man.

Yes, and there was this cute whitish (I don't know his nationality but na Oyinbo wey no resemble American or English) guy who was dancing with abandon at the wedding. How I wish I could forget all my inhibition and be such a free spirit myself. I should start working towards this from the next monthly party at work. Get wasted for once in your life, baby!

Congrats Iyfee!

I think a cutie likes me!!!

Like seriously speaking, I ran into of all people, Uju, my new colleague at Fidelity bank. But as you might have guessed, that's not enough reason for today to be great day.

The koko of the talk is that I think (from her body language) that she might have the hots for me! And do you know how I feel? Terrified.

With the way she looks, I consider her out of my league by default. But then, she always invites me for a hug each time we meet. Like. I totally do not want to believe I'm overthinking things here.

She even asked where I live. Like. When last did a girl show even a fraction as much interest in me?

All I can think of right now is that I must not let this one just fizzle out like the rest. I'm planning to ask her out to (work) lunch next week, and, let's see what happens from there. Seriously, do I need some expert advice or should I just let things flow naturally?

Talking about people liking me though, I'd place a bet on the speculation that Bidemi and at least, one of the front desk officers at work has a thing for me. On the contrary, I really do not think I have what it takes to make a woman swoon. But it's probably all just in my head. Am a cute TallDarkHandsome guy.

You won't believe this, but I think I might have made a lady at the office canteen last week, lose grip of what she was holding and make a mess. Our eyes met for a few seconds, and the moment we lost contact, she dropped what she was holding. Haha! Crazy, right? She seemed embarrassed when I hinted that I might have been the cause of the accident, which further suggests that I might be right. Damn!

As for Maryam who kind of has the Yejide effect on me, I cannot say for sure that I have noticed any hints. We've held eye contact for a few minutes, but then, nothing more. I like her. Hush!

I saw Cele

Yes. I saw Cele. It felt good to see him. Even though I've never thought of him as particularly attractive, I think I was drawn to him today. His eyes (oh god)! I would surely have gotten a room with him today if he was up for it. And trust me, that means a lot when it comes to me. No matter how horny I am, my standards of who I will get down with hardly come down.

He was looking fresh and much better than the last time we saw. Howbeit, not buff. I can understand how stereotypical good looks are not always necessary for true attraction to exist between two people. As a matter of fact, a realer proof of this truth would be Raph at work. Oh shit, I'm freaking giving out too many names. This yeye boy; e be like say you don ready make your yansh open for outside. You no dey fear 14 years???

Muyiwa called and we talked for sixteen minutes

Like, do days really get any freaking better? I really don't need to say more. I love Muyiwa, like really, really love him. There's only one hug in my life that I always look back at with intense nostalgia. It's that one Muyiwa gave me when we returned from the long vacation that came after the semester when our acquaintanceship found root and blossomed into friendship.

He called me first while I was at the party and could not pick. So, I made a mental note to return the call when I got back home. However, before I got to that, he beat me to it again and he called back. And he was just calling to say hi.

We talked about everything and nothing. It just felt great. It's honestly been ages since I last connected so much with someone.

It's great to know that he cares about me so much to call me after such a long time away from each other. How I wish, oh, how I wish he saw me that way too.

We should hang out one of these days. Like seriously. In my gay mind, I have small hope that he called me because he's also secretly in love with me. Taa!

I sought out gay scat (shit) porn on Tumblr today, and to my surprise, instead of being disgusted by it, it actually turned me on. It's hard to believe that some people are actually turned on by having their partner's shit smeared all over them and even in their mouth!!! I truly might really be sick in the head.


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