My horrifying nightmare

Usually, when I wake from my sleep, I'm not able to remember any details of my dream. However, yesterday morning was very different. I had a dream, soon after which I woke up and I tell you, waking up was such a relief cos' it just felt so real. If what happened in the dream was in reality, then I think my life might be as good as over.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I cannot tell you that I remember where it all started. The only start I remember is that I was in some car with Tunji, in lovey-dovey mode. We were making out passionately and I was loving every minute of it. Let me tell you a secret, my attraction to Tunji is so hot that even as I write this section of the article where I mention his name and the thoughts of really kissing him flood my mind, I'm straining to keep my erection down.

Tunji just has this.... innocent, yet piercing look that, draws me in and makes me just wanna plant the longest kiss ever into his full black lips while massaging the back of his afro-covered head with my fingers. I've imagined doing this 999 times while having some conversation or the other with him at the office. Yes, Tunji happens to be my colleague at work. But not just any colleague, he's an intern or Industrial attachment student at my office.

I feel very connected and drawn to Tunji, a young man who is exactly 6 years younger than I am. Yes, you read that right. We were born on the same day, just six years apart. But not only that, we also have the following things in common:

- we are just as tall as each other
- we both do not like football
- we both like to leave a lot of hair on our heads

I think the one reason why I've allowed myself nurse these feelings of attraction to Tunji to the point of having my mind concoct up a dream about it is his apparent receptiveness. The way he looks at me, I can read some affection off of it. And this just kills me. Of course, I know I could easily be misinterpreting timidity as a sign of his attraction to me. After all, he's six years younger than me and he's likely to feel dwarfed in my presence, even though we're physically similar. I know how easily the physical signs of being intimidated by me can be misinterpreted.

Just two days ago while I was showing him around some Javascript code at the office, while he was trying to figure out some question I asked of him, all I could think off was pulling him in and give him a hard kiss that could probably send all my knowledge and experience up his spine. The erection in my pants also remained steady for most of the length of the training session. Jeez, I feel like a predator!

Now back to the nightmare. We were in the middle of our romantic session when a policeman with a hard-not-to-notice Yoruba accent appeared at the window of the car. Of course, we broke apart immediately. And went on to listen to him express vocally his homophobic feelings about what he had just 'caught' us doing.

We listened to his rant in trepidation for a while. But I think there was a little hope in my mind that we could easily get rid of this hungry looking cop with some change. However, all hope was lost when I looked out the car's back window and saw a mob of young men standing there, and staring straight through it at us. From his appearance, I would describe the leader of the mob (who was the only other person apart from Tunji and the cop that got my focus in the dream) as a young and educated Hausa man.

Beyond this, I do not remember any specific details of how the dream progressed. But I surely do not think we got away scot-free. No, not from that mob I saw. There was vengeance written all over them. It did not appear to me like a mob that would lynch us in the typical way of my people. On the contrary, I think they would have handed us to the police and made sure to follow up till they knew we were condemned to spending the next fourteen years, the very prime of our lives, rotting away in a filthy jail cell and regretting why we ever decided to exhibit our sexual filth so publicly in their otherwise, sanctified nation.


Now, it will be interesting to let you know that every component and character of this dream actually has a real-life inspiration. I expatiate further below:

Well. I am infatuated with him. Go figure. Each of the last two guys I've met physically and being into are actually at least, 5 years younger than I am. Hmm.

The cop, The mob, The car 
Sometime in 2015, after having a few drinks at the Cafe Vergano, Palms, Lekki, I and my date moved to his car parked within and got engaged in a seemingly endless make-out session. Until some brash sounding man beamed some light on us and ended the bliss of the evening. He went ahead to let us know how he and his friend (who he'd come there to discuss business with) had been watching us for so long.

I feel like rounding this up already, so I will not in my usual fashion go on to describe each future occurrence of the evening in detail. However, the rest of the night which was pretty long went on as follows:

- Our assailant succeeded in grabbing the key out of my little date's hands, as he attempted to make an escape. I don't know why, but I failed to intervene in the struggle that led up to that. I just sat there, staring peacefully. Permit me to blame it on the alcohol

- He went ahead to call the Policemen sited within the shopping mall compound

- They called us into their container and made us put down a statement. There were around 8 men around us in the room, including our assailant and his friend, who did not seem as interested in seeing us get punished as his rougher looking friend. He looked more well-faring and more educated than the idiot who got us here in the first place. I just wish the fresh guy could have convinced his friend to let us be!

- After threatening to report us to our joint place of work (we lied about both being teachers at some island school whose name I do not recall at the moment), they offered us a way out with a fine of 20000 naira. My date went ahead to withdraw and hand the hungry cops the money, after which we walked away in peace, like nothing had happened. I recall asking our assailant if he felt fulfilled with the outcome of the night's events, just as we walked back to my date's car in utter relief

To my amazement though, I was surprisingly calm through the entire ordeal. I think this might not have been unrelated to my having an unusual amount of alcohol in my system. Somehow, I had also imagined the worst outcome that this encounter could have, and made peace with it. I was going to survive, no matter what it was, and in the moment, that thought was good enough to keep me from panicking. Also, if there's one thing I appreciated that night, it was that neither I nor my date were physically manhandled by the cops.


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