Last Saturday night at a gay party in Lagos, Nigeria

This party happens to be the first and only gay social that I've ever attended, December 2016 being the first instance and this last Saturday being the second. I had randomly gotten in touch with Mal (a FWB of mine) during the week. It was during the WhatsApp conversation with him that he informed me that the bi-weekly party would be coming up this Saturday. Boy, was I excited to hear that? I told him we were surely going, to which he wishy-washily told me: "we will see how it goes".

I was alone at work on Friday night, so I had to help myself to some good music. And man, so much did I enjoy the music that I wanted to dance with all the strength in me. I happen upon an EDM playlist in my Deezer music app and right from the first track in there, I got so excited, I could not stop wishing to find myself in an EDM rave.

This made me remember the party coming up Saturday night and at that point, I could not for god imagine missing it for anything. I knew I definitely wanted to get wasted and dance the heck out of myself. I chatted up Mal immediately and told him how badly I wanted to be at the party. Fortunately, I was able to get a commitment from him that he was gonna come with me. Yay!

Shortly after that chat, I got talking with a straight friend of mine, Ben, who is aware of my sexuality. Surprisingly, he told me he wanted to come for the party. Out of curiosity of course. I was in support but then I had to run that through Mal who had told me about the party in the first place. I wasn't able to get to Mal until Saturday afternoon to ask, and it turns out he was not fine with the idea of me coming with Ben.

Eventually, the much anticipated Saturday party night came. I spent my afternoon at a fireside chat with the bald and bearded founder of Chocolate City Group, Audu Maikori. Dude is charismatic with astonishingly good looks for his age and a nice sense of humor. His stories were inspiring and fun to hear and you could tell that he really has fun sharing his experiences. Audu is old in age but really young at heart and it radiates all over him.

Party time was set for 8 p.m. and by my estimations, I and Mal arrived the party at about 8:15 p.m. We were the second set of guests to arrive at the party and were received warmly by the host at his flat which is in one of the upscale parts of Lagos.

As soon as we were seated, we all got talking and not too long after, a few more people joined the party. Notable among the discussions we had during this early quiet phase of the party was of a guy - among us - who described himself as Pansexual. That means he is open to having sex with anyone, irrespective of their gender or sexual orientation. People and definitions. Interestingly though, he mentioned -when I approached him later for a one-on-one - that he does not like labels and he hated the fact that one of the first things guys generally ask in our world is "what is your role". To him, that made it all about the sex after all. I  should have told tell him he's definitely not the only one who feels that way, but I did not think about it at the time of the discussion.

He was one of the people I would say was least into the party as I noticed he was more or less seated alone at the same spot throughout the party with his nerd glasses and uniquely designed native top. Oh, I did not tell you the party was native themed, yeah? I went in my one and only presentable blue native which I happen to think does not flatter me at all.

During this early-comers networking session, I also got to ask the host to add me to the mailing list with the aim of cutting out the middleman (Mal, my FWB). I thought that was kind of awkward but I really don't give much of a damn about how he feels nowadays. And to think that one month ago, I was asking him to be my boyfriend. I wonder what happened to all those feelings. Thank God he didn't say yes.

I also got to ask the expat host what his policies were around inviting new people to the party. Talking to him about this revealed to me, the very risky side of what he was doing with his house in hosting a gay party right there. Prior to that time, I had actually not given much thought to it, but putting myself in his shoes was really helpful in helping me empathize. I thanked him at the end of it, even though I was sad because this meant I would probably never be able to invite my straight friend, Ben to this party. Honor code. Smuggling him in as gay is an option, but then, what if the cover gets blown? I wouldn't want to lose the trust of the few gay people that I can call friend.

The networking session soon broke up and saw Mal pair himself up with Reggie, a smallish guy with a cute face and full beard. After a few minutes of watching both of them passionately in discussion from my lone position on the couch, I felt sidelined. So much so that I actually walked into them and politely asked if I could join in on their delicious discussion. They welcomed me, but I ended up feeling even more sidelined than when I was farther away. Their voices were really low and they were definitely not making any effort to help me participate in the discussion.

In the end, I don't think I left the conversation with any more information than that they were talking about their experiences with boys. I felt kind of jealous and abnormal because I could not mention any guy with whom I could discuss such things with so much enthusiasm.

I should tell you though, that I actually have a crush on Reggie and I think that was 80% of why I moved in on the conversation. I wanted his attention. I got to lap him at the December 2016 party and we talked for quite a bit. If there's anything I left with from the first encounter though, it would be that I failed to notice any interest in me from him. All the times we've talked, he basically just answers my questions without any reciprocity. Well, life happens.

It so happens that Reggie was once into "gay activism" in Nigeria. When we got a chance to talk on Saturday (Mal took a short vacation from the conversation), I let him know that I'd stumbled upon one of his activist posts on the internet. He took the chance to tell me about his days as an LGBT activist and how he had to stop because everyone was telling him to do just that; of course for his safety.

Apart from the fact that Reggie does not seem to be interested in me, he also happens to be in an open relationship which makes me feel like I can never be adequate for him anyway, so why even bother. I found out about his open relationship status from Mal.

The Chinese triad

About two hours into the party, a group of three young Chinese men entered into the party. They immediately caught everyone's attention including mine. Of course, not that they were flamboyantly dressed. It was just their skin color. If everyone took attention, I would say I took special attention. I really wanted to get to talk to them in the least. I made a mental note of that to myself; inadvertently giving my subconscious the job of plotting a strategy for that.

About an hour after, at a point when the alcohol had stripped away most of my inhibition, I found myself lapping the smallest of the Chinese men. Awesome! I honestly can't explain how I got there in the first place. I did a little display by simulating sex with the man on my laps. I was essentially dancing with his back against my chest while my back was on the sofa. I did that till I got tired, which I actually whispered into his ears. I wouldn't know if he was into it though, but I would say he must have been okay with it, cos' I sensed very little inhibition from him. He was not trying to get away from me. If there's any takeaway from yesterday's party, it would be that most people like benign touch and attention, irrespective of how attracted they are to the giver.

After my little stunt with the small Chinese man, I remained seated while the small Chinese man left. I was seated beside another of the Chinese men now and we soon got talking. His name was Roberts and when I asked him why that was his English name, he told me it was because his Chinese name is Ro.

I and Roberts discussed extensively for what I estimate was no less than thirty minutes. He told me that he's colleagues with the other two guys and of how the smallest of them had actually brought the three of them together with the power of his gaydar. I quipped about how smallie's gaydar was top notch, to which both his friends absolutely agreed. Yes, at this point, the other two Chinese men were back on the seat with me and Roberts.

During my talk with Roberts, I got to find out what he does and where he stays. He helped me shatter the stereotype that all Chinese men are tech savvy; of course, only after I explained the meaning of tech savvy to him. It was fun having to explain that and the meaning of words like monogamy, polygamy among others. I told him that polygamy was more common among illiterate Muslims than among their educated counterparts. This was after he asked if my dad had several wives to which my answer was "no". I must have told him I was a Muslim or he figured it out somehow, because I can't remember us talking about my religion.

My talk with Roberts was easily the best part of the night for me. His grammar was pretty good, much better than I would have expected actually. I even got to have his number at some point. First and only number I've asked for in the two parties that I've been to; no one has asked for mine :(.

I really look forward to hanging out with Roberts and his friends again sometime in the future. The experience of bonding with a foreigner is one that I've always longed for. Now the chance is here, I want to explore it to its fullest. I remember kissing the most hunky of the trio when they were on the way out.

The Prom queen

He's pretty. He's hot. And he's got the swagger oozing out from all over him. His eyes look like he's got a 1 pound eye lash on the upper lid, weighing it down so he has a constant edgy look. You know that I'm sexy and I know it stare? Exactly. I couldn't help but be spellbound  staring at him as he walked in, while simultaneously feeling like he's definitely out of my league. He reminds me of Emma, one sexy but really ill-mannered and manipulative guy who I had a crush on for the longest time ever until 2015. I pursued him for about three years with little respite, even though I'll always back at one of the last sexual encounters we had with fondness.

I got to interact with the prom queen (Chinasa) three different times during the party. Not in any way that I was particularly happy about though. The first time was by the shelf where the JBL speaker blasting music was placed. I was a little excited that he was seeking my attention. Unfortunately, it turns out that he just wanted to dump some shit on me. He told me that everyone was disturbing him to change the music because his phone was connected to the speakers, so he wanted out and wanted me to take his place. What a bitch!

The next time, I was actually the one who engaged him. He had just used his camera flash to disassemble a couple who was having oral sex on the couch. Right there in the public party domain. I noticed them a few minutes before Chinasa intervened, but since the party was dark enough to obscure the receiver's bits, I just shrugged and moved on. When Chinasa interrupted by using his flash light, the first thing that came to my mind was: "Oh no, this bitch is breaking a party rule".

The host had said at the start of the party that no phones were allowed, because someone was caught at the previous party recording people without their consent. So, I instinctively approached Chinasa, got almost as close to him as chest-to-chest and asked why he would do such a rude thing. The only thing he said in return? "Get a room! They should get a room; this is a public space". I think I gave him a disgusted look and just sauntered off. I was happy I made him feel threatened at least, after what he did.

The last time I interacted with Chinasa was at a time when I had taken full control of the party music and was digging it all by myself on the little dance floor. Everyone else was either gone or wasted or sleeping, or perhaps fucking upstairs. He was sitting on some stools behind me, talking with the blowjob giver of the couple he had interrupted earlier on.

Once he got my attention, he went on to ask me what state I'm from. I hesitated for a short while before answering, because I felt like his nasty ass was up to some mischief. I guess he was trying to place my choice of music because he kind of gave a whiff of self satisfaction once I answered him. And then he moved on with his life like I never existed.

Later on, I found out from the blowjob giver that he was high school classmates with Chinasa. He also told me that Chinasa has always been temperamental and prone to mood swings since back in the day.

The last time I saw Chinasa was around 8 the next morning. The (gay) caretaker of the apartment had just woken me up from the couch where I fell asleep and I was shocked to wake up to so much brightness. As I was walking out, I saw Chinasa descending from the stairs, telling the caretaker that he is one of the people meant to clean up the apartment. Really?

After all said and done though. I still won't mind getting a piece of him. He comes across like he could be quite a player in the sack.

Getting groped

Out of embarrassment, I would rather pass on this section. But then I remember my blog is anonymous, so why not. Also, I have an outline for this article which I'm filling in religiously, leaving out not even the tiniest of details.

I was impotent for the most of the party. Several guys sat on my laps at different times and my dick did not for once, as little as twitch. I really don't know what the reason was, so I'll just blame it on the alcohol. So, when I got the attention of one of the muscular duo - who live in Port Harcourt (PH), Nigeria - I told him I was impotent as soon as I noticed him trying to feel out my dick. He went on to fondle my bare ass - his hands went into my boxers - and just grope me in general. I ended up getting semi-aroused in the course of this and one of the queen bitches at the party took this as an invitation to touch my semi-erect dick with the aim of estimating my size. After a few seconds, he looked at my partner-in-lust and gestured with his index finger and thumb that my dick was tiny.

Index and ring finger showing tiny gesture
His dick is this tiny

I instantly grabbed his spindly neck from behind with a few fingers of my left hand (playfully), but apparently he didn't get the joke as he kept a straight face. After about three seconds, I simply left him to his business. Unfortunately, as soon as this episode was over, my groping session with the PH muscle man also met its untimely end.

That, my dear, is the sluttiest I've ever been in public but I really won't mind doing it again. Now that I think about it, I wonder what would have happened if the verdict of the uninvited bitch inspector on my dick had been positive. Was the PH man actually working towards a possible quickie? I would never know. Because of that queen bitch!

Since I spoke about one PH boy, I think it's only reasonable that I talk about the other one as well. He was more or less the hottest guy in the party. He has a great body and a cute face. Everyone including the queen who ruined my groping session was trying to get a piece of him - he even rated him an 8/10 on his scale. But from all indications, hunky PH boy didn't seem to be interested in getting with anyone in particular.

At different times during the party, you could hear the PH guys complaining about how this Lagos party sucks. They had picture evidence from their Port-Harcourt gay party as supporting evidence. The picture was a group selfie in which all the guys were smiling heartily. All efforts to get the half of the PH man whose attention I had for a while to tell me more about his life in PH proved abortive.

I neglected my FWB

After the first hour of the party when Mal asked me if I was okay, I'm not sure I spoke a word to him until the next day when I was just about to leave. Oh, apart from the time when he asked me for my car keys, so he could go pick something from the car. Later on in the party, a doctor guy named Daniel, reported my friend to me. He said: "Your friend is so boring". Allegedly, my FWB had been reading a book right there in the middle of the party. I felt bad for him but good at the same time that I was having more fun than he was. Evil right? Now you're gonna pretend you also don't have it in you? We all do dear.

I honestly believe that he didn't have a lot of fun during the party but I might be wrong. Now that I think about it, I think he might have actually had fun. I remember he was talking to one guy like that for quite a while and he appeared to be having fun with it. Oh, my Mal really likes to talk about himself!

I wasn't jealous though, cos' the guy apparently had nothing on me (as far as I could see). Reggie left the party pretty early. Otherwise, I guess he and Mal would have stuck together for most of the party. They seem to have really bonded. By god, I pray that Mal never gets to read this article. Can I even still call him friend? I really do not care about him any longer.

The next time I interacted with Mal after he returned my car key to me was in the morning. I called him twice on the phone so he could know I was leaving. He received the second call and came down from the second floor of the duplex shortly after to let me know he would find his way back home. He was shirtless and just in his sweatpants. I think I could see a bulge and a trace of white in his crotch region and I could not help but wonder what he got up to all night while I danced myself silly on the party floor.

Last man standing

Yes, I was the last active participant of the party. There was a lot of energy in me and I danced continuously to my favorite music until about 4 am. Eventually, sleep caught up with me and I found myself a semi-comfortable spot on the footstool of the couch. I must have drifted off immediately because the next time I remember being conscious was when I changed position for a much more comfortable part of the couch. I noticed during this short period of consciousness that one of the other couch dwellers went to increase the temperature of the AC. The cold was getting to me as well, but left to me, I would not have done anything about it. Sleep was most paramount!

I can say I was the last man standing at this party because apart from the fact that I owned the dance floor until the very end, I was also the last person to vacate the party floor in the morning. I must say I felt a tad embarrassed when I woke up and realized it was bright already and I was the only one left.

The lone rangers

One notable feature of the party that I feel I must talk about is one guy who sat alone in his own corner all through. I noticed him only when most people had left and I was the only active participant in the party. He was just pressing and pressing and pressing his phone. Sad life, innit. I know that would never ever be me. I can only imagine that he came to the party with hopes of being swept off of his feet and getting wooed by one prince charming. I managed to catch a glimpse of what he was doing on his mobile device (a tab) at some point - WhatsApp. *rolling my eyes*

Then there was also the guy who was one of the couch dwellers. At some point, the caretaker came to ask me if I knew who he came with. I thought the guy looked totally miserable lying there on the couch in his yellow t-shirt. That must be how I must have looked when I passed out on the same couch later on.

The hot weed guy with dreadlocks

Yeah. So there was this cute guy at the party who I know from my first foray many years ago into the gay world in Lagos via Facebook to be an open weed lover. Apparently, he still loves weed as much as he did back in the day. Yes. His baseball hat actually had "I love weed" threaded into it.

When he was within my reach, I took off his hat for a while and played with his dreads. I can't remember if I was talking to him or about him when one drama queen popped out of nowhere and told me to back off because "he's my man". All I remember now was that the guy was so basic, I could not help but just smirk and walk away.

The implicit quickie

Now, on to the juicy part. You won't believe who and who apparently had a quickie that night. Let me tell you. Sometime deep into the night, the prom queen (Chinasa) must have eaten something that did not go down well with him. Because he puked and spent like thirty minutes recovering in the visitors' toilet, leading to a queue at the toilet door. After he recovered, I think he just went upstairs to clean up and get a bit of rest.

About an hour after, he came back downstairs and he came back for only one thing; a man. A man who turns out to be the weed guy with dreadlocks. Chinasa held hands with the weed guy and led him back up the stairs as the rest of us looked up at him in awe of his majesty. Chinasa proved at that point that he was the undeniable queen of the night as he went confidently at the exact thing he wanted out of the lot. Not so long after they both ascended the staircase, both of them descended and at that point, I heard doctor Daniel ask out loud: "Una don fuck una self finish"? Now, I can't say if he was audible enough for the couple to hear him but I who was standing a few feet away from him definitely did. I think doctor Daniel can like to talk too much sometimes though. No hard feelings.

A great reunion

Never before had I ever seen so many gay guys whom I've met and/or slept with on different occasions together in one place at the same time. It was quite an experience and that fact made the party great for me because there was never a dull moment. There was always someone to talk to and I think the fact that so many people I knew were there made me seem social which I think is a definite plus, from the point-of-view of an interested onlooker.

The fact that there were so many people I know at the party just goes to tell one thing. The party is getting bigger and I pray by hell that the host is not dissuaded for any reason to back out soon because that might be the end of my gay social life as it is. I cherish the opportunity to finally have access to a social circle where I can be myself on a regular basis. I love the fact that I can now look forward to meeting people and having drunk conversations on a bi-weekly basis. I just pray that the source of the hosts blessings will continue to flourish, so that hosting this party would not be considered a budgetary waste in any near future.

On a final note

  • At this point, I'm at the brink of losing all hopes that I would ever find a boy who wants to stay with me. I mean, with the kind of things I saw at the party (promiscuity), that's just the way I feel
  • For most of the party, I wondered if I am still gay because it was so difficult for me to get aroused by anyone or anything. The only time I got aroused was when the muscular Port-Harcourt guy was groping me. As soon as my erection started to surface, he snarkily reminded me of my 'lie' to him about my impotence 
  • I just found out my love for red wine. From the next party on, I would ditch the vodka and just  focus on the red wine from the onset. This doesn't mean I like it enough to buy it with my own money though. I never buy alcohol.
  • I cannot wait for the next party which hopefully comes up fortnight Saturday

Update 1

The party has been cancelled. Either that or the host lied to me. What is certain is that, as at March 2017, I have not been to this party for at least, one month. Sad story.

The owner's words when I chatted him to ask why are in the image below:

My Whatsapp chat with the host of the Lagos gay party
My Whatsapp chat with the host of the Lagos gay party

If you have any questions or comments or feedback for me, you can send me an email at I would be glad to discuss with you on anything at all.


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