100 pictures for a piece of ass

Google is just amazing. Honestly, every time I ponder how seamlessly their innovations make life more amazing for me, I get truly inspired. It's clear to see that they're one of the companies that understand that you get more value from the world, only by giving more. Without any telling, I know that they're following the ideology that a lot of customers do not know that they need a solution; they're actually waiting for you to come along to offer it to them.

Why am I squirting all over the place today because of Google stimulation, I figured you would want to ask? Oh well, I'm in a good mood today and of course, that means I want to share.

Today, I was sitting peacefully at my office desk when I got a notification from the Google Photos app on my phone. The alert was to remind me of the photos I took today, 2 years ago (9th December 2014). And as soon as I saw the pictures, beautifully presented in a collage, I got instantly transported back to that day. I look back upon that day largely with amusement at my misery; my horny misery.

A day (or two) before that, I had met a guy called Alex on Hornet gay dating chat application (an alternative to Grindr). He's a white guy who was chatting me from a country which I can't recall at the moment. And by my assessment of the several pictures of him that he freely sent to me, he was quite the looker. So, it did not take much effort to get me to agree to his request to help him take photos of streets and buildings in Lagos.

He would need the photos for a research he was doing, which was in preparation for a developmental project which the Lagos state government was planning to contract to his organisation. Well, the whole thing had the usual trappings of a cheap scam, but then, it was easy to shun my inhibitions to honoring his request. He was not asking me for money and he was smoking hot!

As soon as I stepped out of the house the next morning, I got to work snapping the streets of Lagos. At the time, I lived and worked in Yaba, so that's where my photo-shoot kicked off. As I walked down to the bus-stop, I took shots of my immediate neighborhood. Same goes for my walk to the office from the closest bus-stop. A little into the day, I found myself in Lekki Phase 1 for work-related stuff, and while there, I did not hesitate to take more pictures of the better-planned part of Lagos. I wanted him to know that Lagos is not all shabby looking (like it does in Yaba).

By the end of the day, I had taken well over 50 pictures of Lagos and its environs and I felt truly fulfilled of my accomplishment. I let him know this and he was very excited to hear it. He gave me his email address and one or two days later, I had sent all of the pictures across to him. He liked them and I was happy that my distant crush was impressed by the work of my hand. So impressed that he promised to host me for dinner at a fancy restaurant when he eventually came down to Lagos for further work on his business.

Oh well, I am afraid to tell you that this is where the story ends; and rather abruptly too. Not long after pictures exchanged hands, we lost touch. I cannot really remember now how it happened, but knowing who I was/am, I'm sure I must have given up after I tried to chat with him a few times and received no response.

This was one of the first of the numerous disappointments and heartbreaks that I've suffered since I joined Grindr one fateful Saturday night in my office in Lagos.


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