No fap challenge - Day 2

Well. I decided yesterday to once again after countless previous failed attempts, try to achieve a 30-day streak of not jerking off to porn. Why is this even a goal you ask? Well. Below are my reasons:

  • I strongly believe that being used to pleasuring myself stands in the way of my ability to feel good when being pleasured by a sexual partner
  • I think being able to discipline myself to get sexual stimulation only from a sexual partner will be a major boost to my confidence and general discipline which I can apply to other areas of life. This is mainly from the stories I've read of other people who have tried it and have been relatively successful at it
  • I hate how there's nothing to look forward to after ejaculating from jerking off to porn. No post coital cuddling, no kissing, just nothing. All your sexual appetite just vamooses in an instant and there's no consolation.
The last time I discussed this goal with a friend, at a Friday night hangout with his boyfriend, they just would not see eye-to-eye with me on why there was any point trying to achieve this. In their opinion, my mind had been corrupted to believe that a daily dose of this popular drug was unhealthy for me. They compared it to having ice-cream - we were at a Coldstone outlet - and how if it's had in moderation, there's absolutely nothing wrong with fapping. I quickly gave up trying to convince them and their relaxed stance towards it was one of the excuses I gave myself just before relapsing during the ensuing weekend. And that was how I ended my latest 5-day no-fap streak; which is quite impressive cos' it's my latest in any recent times.

Yesterday was not that challenging. It's always very easy to keep to your commitment to no-fap on the first day of making the decision. So, there was very little temptation to renege on it. Also, as luck would have it, I had a date over for the night and of course, that was enough to keep the urge to fap at bay for the rest of the day. We had an amazing night together; so much so I wish we could do that every night. or maybe every other night. It's enough motivation for me to stick to no fap for me, because I would like to be at my maximum level of thirstiness for each session.

Today, I've seen the animal part of my brain challenge my resolve to no-fap. This morning, the scene from 'Fifty' movie where the sexy Mr Nigeria runner-up guy was fucking a girl came to the top of my mind just after my date left for his place. That triggered me to go hunting for more sexy pictures of him. From experience, that would have cascaded me right off into a full-blown XVideos-powered fapping session, but I guess I still have some anointing from last night **wink**. So, I stopped just short of doing that. I found out his name is... oops I can't remember. All I was looking for was sexy pictures of him. Who cares for names when you can get hot sexy chocolate?

Well let's see how this goes for the rest of the day. I will make another update tomorrow. I hope the devil does not convince me to relapse on this challenge with the old and stupid excuse that I can start afresh in the new year. We all know how that new year, new anointing thing is a dirty hoax. 

To mental discipline!


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