When your office-crush's meat becomes hot topic at lunchtime chit-chat

I just got back to my desk from lunch break at the office canteen. Lunch time took the better part of an hour which was spent with one of my top office crushes. Standing on the queue together, waiting to pay and actually eating the barely edible food were the activities we did together in that period.

I feel fortunate every opportunity I get to spend time with him. He's a good person and apart from that, he's very good to look at too. It's never a big challenge to get a smile out of him. My dream man, more or less. His ass is flat, but that does not take anything away from his charm on me. At worst, it's just something for me to tease him about when he's feeling full of his good looks.

This afternoon's lunch was the fourth mealtime we've spend together this week. The first was yesterday morning at breakfast after I ran into him in the lunch room. And I hope it continues in this way. I feel fulfilled every time he shares some experience of his with me or how he's feeling without me asking on the way to the lunchroom or back. I learned a few years ago that there's a whole world of difference between having lunch alone and having lunch with someone whose company you enjoy.

Picture of two men over a cup of coffee (source: www.pexels.com)

At the time, I was colleagues with one of the most impressive gay persons I've ever met in person. After the first few days/weeks of meeting each other on Grindr, we started to spend intimate (not sexual) moments together everyday, both in the morning before work and at lunch time. It was our sacred time together and we hardly ever missed it without informing the other person. There's no telling how much the quality of my life was improved in the 6-month period when I knew the next free therapy session with my best friend was only a few hours away.

Back to today's lunchtime with Iyke (real name, come and beat him in my office), I had finished my food while he was still busy wolfing down his which was 1.5 times more than mine (we ordered the same meal). Once done with his meal and the only thing left on his plate was his Nigerian child's reward for finishing their meal (a piece of meat), I did what I've done almost every other time like this before: ask for his meat (or some of it).

Iyke: You already know the answer.
L.B.B: Okay, half of it
Iyke: You already know the answer
LBB: Okay, one-quarter
Iyke: You already know the answer

This back and forth continued until I got to one sixth. That's when he the set fire to my rain by asking me the question of the year. "Why are you always asking for my meat; why do you want my meat"? And while at this, he was staring straight into my eyes and wearing this smile that seemed to be telling me that he's very aware of the innuendo in this interaction.

This reaction from him got me dumbstruck. For a brief moment, I considered how best to respond: "Should I accept the apparent invitation to sexualize the conversation or play safe and find some lame-ass response for him?

Yes, my asking him for his meat each time I do it is me flirting shamelessly with him. But you have to believe me when I say the double entendre was not something I consciously designed (I'm not that dirty/audacious - yet). Hence, my lack of response when he started asking why I want his MEAT. I looked away from Iyke as I felt blood start to rush into my member (lol at myself for using this word). In a parallel universe, perhaps I would have said: "Because it's bigger than my own 😋".


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