The heart is weak

Brief background: I like guy. Guy has not exactly been receptive or encouraging of my advances. More precisely, he's done something I take to be him giving me the cold shoulder. My instinctual reaction is to detach totally from him; to return the cold shoulder till he contacts me again first.

Till date, I've not heard from him. It really hurts, mostly because I thought the feelings were mutual at some point. Also, because he didn't even go through the trouble to explicitly state his lack of interest. He simply just went mute, and this is someone with whom I've really connected - clearly, I see how this was all just in my head all along.

Friday saw me being at the verge of sending one of the following at different times of the day:

"I'm really shocked at your conduct".

Pretending to be oblivious of the bad conduct on his side and just finding an excuse to see him on a casual note: "When are you going to Oshodi, let's go buy some books together soon".

"Can we just be friends at least"?

"I'm officially in hate with you right now. I guess this is mission accomplished on your part. I truly hope not".

The heart is really weak. I'm hurt, but not angry. I still feel the same way about this person, despite the clear lack of care.


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