My new office crush

My latest and sole crush is my colleague who sits adjacent to me in the office. His name is Namzo*. And I just had to admit today, that he's got me smitten. If he asked me out today, I'd say yes like I've been waiting all my life for it.

Namzo is not a particularly physically attractive person and at first glance, he didn't draw a second look from me. This is not to say he's anything comparable to an ogre though; he's got moderate good looks. However, for the first few days in the office, I barely looked at his face and would probably not have recognized him if I'd seen him on the road during that period. Yet, just a few weeks after, I'm in this state where I have to fight off fantasies of us being partners in a blossoming love relationship.

The first time I spoke to him was after a meeting at company HQ. I asked for his name and asked him to tell me what he does for the company. His initial answer was sort of vague, so I don't really remember what it was. However, in my usual manner, I drilled further. He told me (in a nutshell) of how he's into media creation. Photography, photo-manipulation, video recording and editing, rendering and animation. You name it.

Over the next couple of weeks, I got to realize that he's the type that truly lives life (versus just exists) by dabbling into a lot of areas. He's into subsistence farming. He cooks, well. He goes to the gym. In fact, he's now my gym trainer. Yes, last week, we went to the gym together after work. And that was undoubtedly one of the most repercussive workout sessions I've ever had.

It has taken my muscles an entire week to recover from the soreness brought upon them by the exercise. Later today, we will have our 2nd gym session together. I'm looking forward to it. Not for the reasons your dirty mind is thinking but because I sincerely want to have the kind of body that gives me a ticket to the pepper-dem gang of Grindr and Instagram.

Back to the matter, to top it all off, I recently found out that Namzo is also a writer. Just yesterday, he told me about his project of creating an animation series from the ground up. From the ground up, meaning that he's writing the script and when he's done with that, he'll also create the animation that breathes life into the story. OMG! Does this man's creativity have any bounds?

I've come to the conviction that Namzo's most attractive quality (and perhaps, also one of my top wants in a partner) is his uncontestable drive to happen to life, instead of having it the other way around (what most people default to). Oh, I hear Namzo also hits a homerun with the ladies quite often, so my chances are infinitesimal that my fantasies will see the light of day. I think me lowkey envying him in this area could also be part of the attraction stimulators.

That's it. I just wanted you to know what you're up against in-case you've fallen in love with me from my writing.

Keep reading.

* Name changed for anonymity reasons


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