The conversation I could have had with the hot guy from The Place on Saturday

I'm writing this post at 11:30 PM on Sunday; it's past my bedtime because I work an 8 - 5 but I just gotta do this! The passion is burning and I'm not even feeling sleepy. I slept/played away most of my day anyway and then I had the most amazing discussion just a couple of hours ago. I got a new opportunity to consider in my career that I totally was not expecting and I practically just have to sleep over it and decide whether I want it or not. At the start of today, even 3 hours ago, I could never have guessed that I'd have this sort of opportunity on my plate now. Life is amazing!

Now, back to the article.


Yesterday morning (Saturday), I had my breakfast at The Place restaurant on Odeku, V.I., Lagos. This was around 10 a.m. I had business in the area, so it was an easy first choice for breakfast. While I was on the queue waiting for my turn to be attended, this bald, bearded and in-shape guy donning a green jersey and black jean trousers appeared in the doorway, just by the queue where I stood. The moment I laid my eyes on him, my hottie alert went off and I think I might have adjusted my posture subconsciously.

He sort of looks like this; he's not this dark though and I couldn't tell from his t-shirt if he's this muscular

My eyes followed him as he walked in, him heading directly for the taps at one far end of the restaurant floor - perhaps to wash his hands. My guess is that he must have been up to some 'dirty' work 😉 before coming in; or maybe he's just a clean freak. At some point, I diverted attention away from him because there was now quite some distance between us.

The next time I saw him, he was closer to where I was still standing on the queue; about 5 feet ahead of me. He was looking through the glass, probably trying to decide what he would be having for breakfast. It was at this point that the unexpected happened; his eyes caught mine and then it lingered. This absolutely never happens with any random guy that I find even remotely attractive, so it was quite intense. 

To ease the tension from our eyes having locked for like 3 seconds, I said hi while beaming a reclusive smile. He responded in kind. It won't be far-fetched to think that my heart picked up speed to start beating twice as fast as usual at this point. This brief encounter with this strange guy was surreal and was unarguably the most unpredictable thing that had happened to me all week.

You won't believe it but before I left the queue, our eyes met one more time. And given his positioning when this happened, there was no doubt that the guy was going out of his way to look at me. This same me? Like, is there cum on my face or something? (No, I actually didn't feel that way). 

I don't know if it's because that's what I wanted to think, but what I saw in this man's eyes looked like genuine curiosity and fascination more than just a passing glare. I almost never lock eyes with men like this in public. Most of them are ugly anyway, but then the ones I consider fanciful almost never get to look my way, let alone lock eyes with me. So, arguably, this was a first.

From this point on, I became self-conscious, doing every subsequent action with an ever-present conviction that someone I admire is watching me. I carried my tray of yam and beans to the inner part of the restaurant and chose a seat from which I could observe him until he finished his business at The Place.

Halfway into my meal, he emerged with his in the distance. I noticed as he looked around the area where he stood, and then across the room to the area where I was seated. And then he started walking towards the same seating area I had chosen. For a moment, I thought he might actually join me at my table. I think I must have pretended to be totally engaged with my meal so our eyes wouldn't lock again. Unfortunately, he didn't join me.

If I had another chance, as the guy passed by me to the seat he finally settled in at my 8 O'Clock, I would look up at him and ask him to join me at my table. He was here on his own anyway. Besides, we were now acquainted having said hi to each other. The subsequent conversation between us would then go something like this:

LonelyBlackBoy (LBB): Hello. What's your name?

Cute-bearded guy: Hey. I'm Hector and you?

LBB: I'm Dayo. It's nice to meet you, Hector 😊

Hector: Same here, Dayo 😉

Dayo: So I was wondering. From the way you were looking at me, I'd say that it's either you find me familiar or... attractive. Which is it?

Hector: Haha. You're insane. Your face rings a bell but I just can't place it. You look really familiar and I wish I could recall where we've met before today.

Dayo: Okay. I'd say you also look familiar, but that would be me lying. My own reason for looking at you to the point of us locking eyes is that I find you really good looking. Handsome!

Hector: Oh really, thanks. I'm flattered 😊. I can't say the same about you though. I don't fancy guys in that way, if you know what I mean.

Dayo: How sad! I'd already imagined us running together into the sunset on a lonely beach in Portugal sometime in the near future 😭. Perhaps, during my upcoming annual vacation.

Hector: Hahaha. You and who? Anyway, you seem like a cool guy. I'm sure we'll make good friends. You wanna hang out over drinks later tonight? Drinks are on me.

Dayo: Sure thing, man. Anything to spend more time with you, my new teddy bear.

Hector: Come here 🤗🤗🤗


Apart from the possibility that Hector was staring at me because he finds me attractive, of course I've also considered that it could just be that we've met in some professional setting and then my face stuck. If that's a possible explanation for his staring, then of course, I'd best tread carefully. Before news of  my sexuality finds its way into my company's hyper-efficient rumor mill.

In the mean time, I'm hoping that somehow, we manage to run into each other again. In fact, like in the movies and books, I have decided to start frequenting The Place restaurant in V.I. around 10 a.m. for many Saturdays to come. And maybe, just maybe the currents of life would bring him my way again. If that happens, the least I would do is to engage him in a conversation. Life is too short to let beautiful opportunities to connect pass one by. So help me God.


  1. Hahahahaha am so laughing out loud at that your imaginary conversation you hoped to have with your teddy bear..

    But really life can be unfair most times, it's just up to us not to let that be an hindrance to our pursuit of happiness.

    BTW, I appreciate the use of English you're using to communicate with us your reader. It makes me follow it like it's a movie. Cheers!!!

    1. I appreciate your comments, cuteguy. Thanks for not just reading but for taking the time out to have your feedback.


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