No fap challenge - Day 11

Wow. It's the 11th day of my commitment to the no fap challenge and as has been in the previous 10 days, today is also a success.

Today, my libido was absolutely nowhere to be found all day long and the situation remains the same till this moment. I really can't say why but my guess is that it's like that because I'm a little indisposed. It's so bad that I don't think I've had an erection all day long. Well. I guess that's a good thing as far as this challenge is concerned. Just makes being successful at this challenge much less difficult than it would have been otherwise.

My boyfriend whom I mentioned in yesterday's post is here right now as I write this post. I've still not had an erection. I believe things will get better anyway, as we get more comfortable in each other's presence.

Well well well. That would be all for today folks. I'll hit you with updates tomorrow, as usual. Writing this is so freaking easy, cos' it's a feel good thing to know I've come this far with keeping my hands to myself!


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