No fap challenge - Day 6

It's the sixth day since I last beat off to any sort of sexually erotic material. Too early to be proud of myself. Too early to count my chicks. But I'm happy that I've been able to come this far.

One part of me thinks that if I'd not had a release from actual sex on two different days within this six-day period, I would long have fallen by the way side. For the sake of maintaining faith in the goal I've set out before my self (a thirty-day no fap streak), I want to believe that that is not the case. That I've come this far solely because I decided to.

I feel a persistent ache in my left testis. This is not normal and I cannot remember feeling this way in any recent time, if at all ever. All I can think of is that this is linked to my abstinence, but then I think that's very unlikely because it's less than 48 hours since I last had an orgasm. Hopefully, the pain subsides on its own and does not aggravate.

Today, I came pretty close to letting go. I was in bed all day, so at some point I found myself with my hand in my boxers. But then things did not proceed beyond me tending to a few itches in my crotch. Also, in the night, just before I started work on this update, I was browsing the web when I stumbled upon the website of an escort company in Nigeria. I found out that the company organizes sex parties/orgies in the country and I was curious to find out more.

On their homepage, they had the warning page front that you would normally see when you visit a website with adult content. Against my good judgement, I clicked it out of curiosity, justifying to myself that I just wanted to learn more about the orgies. But at the bottom of my mind, I was hoping to stumble upon some amateur sex photographs from some of the orgies they've organized. The amateur genre of porn is one of my favorites, and you would often find me combining 'amateur' with terms like 'gay', 'black', 'bareback', 'creampie' and so on, when I decide to indulge in fapping.

The walled in page came up and at a glance, I could see five to six hardcore porno pictures. Most of them were of naked women and about one or two depicted a man and woman in the act of sex. I closed the page within three seconds of it opening, because from experience, I knew how such exposure could easily take me off-track from my commitment.

I'm actually completing this post on the 7th day because I got derailed from doing so yesterday. It's my pleasure to let you know that it's only an hour to the end of the seventh day and I'm still on track. Today was very easy. I was engaged all through. Also, a friend came over for a couple of hours, so that was a good distraction.

Just 23 days days to go. I'm as curious as you are to see how this would end.


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