No fap challenge - Day 8

I like how I don't wait till the actual end of the day before doing these updates. Of course, the fact that the day is not over means that there's still a chance that I fap today. But then, I think posting this serves as a subtle motivation to actually not break my commitment until the end of the day. I mean, if I posted this and then still went back to fap, then I would be a liar - definitely not a vice I want to add on to my life. Freaky psychological stuff.

Trust me, today has been super challenging. By now, it's been over 72 hours since I last had an orgasm. My balls are boiling full of semen that wants to escape. My hormones are raging. I'm super-duper horny and everything gives me a hard-on. Even as I write this right now, my penis is semi-erect because I am looking forward to having a friend over for sex in a few hours today.

It doesn't help that one stupid 19 year old boy on Grindr decided to send me pictures of his totally naked asshole, bubble butt and his lips that look like they can give a perfect head. It took a ton of self-restraint not to just let it go and jerk off to the pictures he sent me. I think I already did bad enough by even looking at them for more than one second. I think doing so reduces my chances of success at this challenge. I hope to exercise more restraint in ensuring immediate withdrawal from anything even mildly erotic that could lead me off track from my goals.

Another temptation I've had to go off-track in the past 24 hours is reading NaijaSingleGirl's 29SN. The descriptions of her lover George in all his sexiness and how he's a monster in bed got me feeling swollen in all the wrong places. I powered through it however; I'm happy to say it, but I wonder how many more of these kind of exposures I can scale through successfully. It's really hard, but then I signed up for it for a reason. I hope that reason will always be within my grasp in the most tempting moments because once I lose that reason, I would have lost everything.


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