No fap - Day 12

Let me get right to the meat of it. Yes I'm still on track. But unfortunately, I'm not really happy about that. Let me explain.

I have my 'boyfriend' over and of course we've been trying to make each other feel good over the past 24 hours. However, with all the time and effort invested by both of us in trying to make me cum, I've not even come close. 

Part of my hopes while signing up for this challenge was that I would be more easy to pleasure by a sexual partner. However, the exact opposite of that is what seems to be happening now.

My libido is very low. I'm not as easy to arouse as I usually am. And to top (no pun intended) it all off, I actually went limp while trying to get into him just a couple of hours ago (I owe you a post on this)! This is the same me who never has difficulty staying hard all through an intimate session with someone I'm attracted to. Now, I don't know if all these situations and experiences are tied to my no fap status. But then, when there's little much else in sight to blame, what can I do? I'm still a little ill though. Hopefully, that explains it.

Well. On the bright side, I would like you to know that I will not be quitting the challenge because of how I currently feel about it. I know this is probably a small hurdle to scale on my way to completing the 31-day no fap streak I signed up to a dozen days ago.

So help me God!


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